Both Sides of the Brain

Sterling silver chess set, cast using the lost wax process. Neal Powers, 1968

Chess is a savage, tribal game. The King believes the game is all about him, but the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board.

The Left Brain Years

Figure at Rest

Conte crayon on butcher paper. Neal Powers, 1968

The Michael John

Pen and India ink. Neal Powers, 1974


Pen and India ink. Neal Powers, 1974


Sony digital camera. Neal Powers, 2004


Sony digital camera. Neal Powers, 2004


Sony digital camera. Neal Powers, 2004

The Right Brain Years

Nothing stifles creativity more than an outline. Our thoughts never come in outline form.

Neal uses mind mapping to find the authentic outline once the brainstorming is complete.

No one ever starts a book by writing the Table of Contents. We discover it by finishing the book.

Aviation, a Different World

As a flight instructor Neal discovered his passion was teaching. He needed a way to organize course content. Mind mapping was the key.

Mind mapping

 Harnessing both sides of the brain helps us become masters of ingenuity.  In her book, Writing on Both Sides of the Brain, Henriette Anne Klauser advocates mind mapping. It set Neal free.

This website

Here is the mind map used to choose the pages for this website.

Page 2, Characters

Here is the mind map used for page 2.

Newspaper articles

For many years Neal wrote opinion pieces for the St Charles Journal. Mind mapping helped him keep it tight, lively, and inside 700 words.

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Neal's characters are mind mapped. Neal's story lines are mind mapped. That takes care of the architecture.

His editors taught him how to keep it crisp and funny. He can't thank them enough.


 This is where Neal went to get away. While writing, He is oblivious to the passage of time.  He finds it exhilarating to stay in his thoughts from start to finish. 

Green visor

At home, Neal has to write wearing a green visor. It means Do Not Disturb.. The quickest way to vaporize an entire scene is to be asked, “Did you go to the bank today?”

Millie's Honor and Letters to Millie, Two Novels


321 W 7th St
Fulton, MO, 65251, US

About us

Neal and Mary and their chocolate lab Ginger live in a grand old house built in 1890. It was Mary's childhood home. Some day they hope to finish restoring it and replacing everything under the roof. Then they will start on the roof. Their children are grown and have homes and families of their own.